July '23 Newsletter - Thurman / Asbury Park Show / European Summer Tour / Jesse Malin
Thank you to everyone who came out and sold out (over sold out!) The Turning Point as we gave everyone the first glimpse of our new release "Thurman" as we performed the record start to finish and the response was really great, thanks again!
We will be having one more record release show for "Thurman" on Sunday, July 16th (which I think is also the release date for streaming services, or at least around then!) in Asbury Park, NJ at 4pm at Danny Clinch's Transparent Gallery. Once again, we will perform the record from start to finish and also throw in a good handful of JD&SC songs. Admission is Free/First come, first served and the Gallery will be asking for donations as well to help take "care of things'' :). We will have Vinyl, CD and USB on hand for "Thurman".
Thanks for all the mail orders we have received as this really helps us out as streaming services are horrible for Indie Artists unless you have millions of streams and majority of folks don't come close to that so THANKS AGAIN! :)
A small blurb from SCR/Schoolhouse Records about "Thurman": It is with great pleasure that SCR/Schoolhouse Records announces the 17th release since 1991, "Thurman," which is named after one of my childhood baseball heroes, Thurman Munson. The 11-song record includes nine original songs that I worked on during and after the pandemic lock down, as well as a Bob Seger song ("Till It Shines"), and a song from a wonderful Norwegian songwriter and friend of Light of Day, Trond Svendsen.
This is my first release that is available in a vinyl format. That is very exciting for me as a vinyl collector! Over the years as compact discs sales have slowed (due to streaming), for some reason, the vinyl format has picked up tremendously! My personal feeling is that streaming, though easy, leaves no relationship with a band/artist and there is just something special about putting on a record, and I am not being nostalgic. It sounds better and feels better! Of course we will also have "Thurman" available in CD form as well as USBs, and eventually it will be on all streaming platforms. At that time, I will also finally be adding "Jersey Diner" and "What Would Pete Do" to streaming services. I have been very vocal on how unfair payment is to songwriters, bands, musicians in the streaming world but I do want to get the music heard as there are some really, really good songs here and everyone played their butts off!
Europe Summer Shows '23: Once again I will be packing guitars and suitcases and heading out for a good handful of solo shows in eight countries as well as joining up with my friends The Italian Job in Germany and Italy, the Badholmen Beach Band in Sweden, and my dear old friend and touring mate Micky Kemp in England. Solo shows also in Germany, Norway, Switzerland, Ireland and Northern Ireland will land me at 17 shows over the run of dates and give me a good chance to sing songs from "Thurman" as well as see lots of faces and smiles that have been keeping me company at shows in Europe for 30 years now as my first venture to Europe was November 1993 with The Hooters in Scandinavia and the clock on the wall tells me that is indeed 30 years of shows!
Summer Shows Upon Return: When I get back to the states in late August myself and Stone Caravan have two shows in Rockland that I want to give you an early heads up on as on Thursday, August 24th JD&SC will be doing a set of music prior to the New York Boulders game at Clover Stadium in Pomona, NY. The Boulders will be honoring the Light of Day Foundation at this game which will include the first pitch to start the game and plaque ceremony later in the game. More information as well as how to get tickets will be found shortly at lightofday.org and JDCaravan.com. Come on out and support music, LOD and baseball!
The other Rockland Summer show will be our first time performing as part of the Clarkstown Summer Music Series on Wednesday, August 30 at Lake Nanuet in Nanuet, NY. The outdoor show will start at 8pm and go until 9:30pm as the town supplies a nice mobile stage and there are treats and lights and just a wonderful setting. Free show so put it on your calendars!
Jesse Malin: Many of you may have heard the terrible news of our friend and Light of Day Brother Jesse Malin. He can use all the prayers, good wishes and financial support you can muster up. Jesse has "been there" for so many people in need over the years. The link supplied here will spell it all out and give you background information. Jesse was there for me and LOD Europe when we started that up about 15 years ago as Willie Nile, myself and Jesse were showing up in towns and cities that had very little information on Light of Day and we played some great shows over the years. Along with Marah, too, can't forget the brothers. Jesse has always been a proponent of PMA (positive mental attitude) and we are hoping and praying that he will recover.
Here is the link and many thanks: sweetrelief.org/jessemalinfund.html
There is also a link for a Jesse Malin "PMA" shirt. Mine just arrived in the mail and I plan on wearing it at many performances.
I hope to see you on the road, at a show, at a ballgame, and be sure to check out "Thurman" if you can!
Thanks as always,
All my best,
Joe D