Lyrics and Chords
Your Love Is Gold
(Joe D'Urso)
For the amount of songs I've written over the last ten years or so, there is
a definite lack of love songs. Paul McCartney I'm not. Not sure why as I've
been blessed in many facets of my life. Guess I just left it to the writers
that do it much better than I can or do. But occasionally they do pop up and
there seems to be more lately. Fatherhood? Perhaps, but I think as we all move on we look at our lives and take stock of the good and value it more and more.
People ask me how
How I've lived till now
I just shrug myself
Say "you gotta walk somehow"
But your love is light
Your love won't grow old
And your love is gold
People ask me why
Why I walk alone
I just shrug myself
Say "sometimes you gotta be on your own"
But your love is light
Your love won't grow old
And your love is gold
Your love has no end
Your love
People ask me why
Why I live this way
I just shrug myself and
Say "we all live day to day"
But your love is light
Your love won't grow old
And your love is gold