Lyrics and Chords
She had been missing four days and four nights
No one in the town seemed that alarmed
They said she was a "loose" one
That she can't be trusted
That she had broken up her home
If I'm ever missing you know he's the reason
If I'm ever gone you know he's the one
Seven days turned to nine nights
The newspaper said the cops were "dumbfounded"
They couldn't find a rhyme or a reason
Why would she leave such a nice warm life?
A city official went out one morning
For his walk, it was good for his health
He never dreamed in the leaves around the bend
A woman lie there motionless and dead
The cops said they couldn't find a motive
or a reason
Weren't really sure if it was homicide... suicide
No one in the town seemed that uneasy
Except when the evening breeze would sing